The assignment: devise a marketable solution on the SAP Business Technology Platform that doubles the revenue of the fictional company Quinso Model Company while keeping the number of people working there the same.
Over the past months we challenged each other in 4 different teams to come up with that new innovative product. Now the time had come: pitching each idea to each other and to the serious jury of Niek Geene, Joris Sikking and Paul Kolzer. Creativity and innovation were bursting from the ideas! Solutions for manufacturing, logistics and topfloor competed for the coveted cup and eternal glory.
The winning solution?
Artificial Intelligence characters Rob and Emma as extra buddies for warehouse workers to double their productivity. Emma who monitors the physical and mental well-being of the employee by analyzing data from a wearable and gives tips and advice to the employee based on that data. Rob who ensures that the employee is in the right place in the warehouse as easily and efficiently as possible, picking the right orders and getting a signal if a wrong delivery is ready.
Well done, Team Logistics!

The other ideas certainly deserved applause as well. In the coming months, we will determine which solutions we will actually develop and offer for industry and wholesale.
We’ll keep you posted!