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Rapid implementation of SAP software is possible

Implementing SAP software is too expensive and takes too long. That is often the thought among organizations when they want to switch to a new ERP system. Hubert Wezenberg was asked by SAP to share his views on this. Why is it so difficult to convince potential new customers in this day and age? And have you started to approach potential customers in a different way as an SAP partner? In the video below, Hubert answers these questions.

A brief Q&A to dig deeper into Hubert’s answers

Why is it so difficult to get to the table with potential clients?

Organizations not yet using SAP often know SAP only from the negative stories. Implementation projects take a long time, the organization is inconvenienced for a long time, and the software and maintenance are expensive. Also, small and medium businesses are often unaware that SAP, and Cloud software in particular, can be of interest to them. In addition, they do not yet know us as a partner either.

Why should potential clients get to know Quinso? What differentiates Quinso from other SAP partners?

At Quinso, the focus is also on new business, customers who do not yet have SAP software. We examine where the pain points are within their organization and advise on which software fits the organization. We use our knowledge, experience and curiosity to deliver quality solutions. We excite our customers to embrace progress. This is how we set the bar high for efficient and sustainable business processes. We avoid pointless procedures and do what is necessary and practical. Today’s technological solutions may be obsolete tomorrow. Therefore, it is important to adapt quickly to the context in which we operate and drive transformation from within. That requires us to roll up our sleeves, help each other and always go that extra mile.

And how do you approach an implementation with new customers?

We take the time to get to know the client. Questions we focus on here are: which software fits the processes within the company? What do they need to achieve their growth? What best practices can we use to accelerate the implementation process?

To answer these questions, we are launching the newly developed Digital Discovery Assessment. In half a day, we explore where the organization’s pain points are, where the opportunities for growth lie and which S/4HANA Cloud best practices fit the organization. We don’t step up to the customer with the idea of reinventing the wheel. With more than 800+ best practices, we can connect exactly with the client. At the end of that half-day, there is a clear report with a fit-to-standard approach for implementation. Of course, the advice is not set in stone; it is a starting point from which we will spar with the client about the possibilities and opportunities the software offers for their organization. Thanks to this standard analysis from which comes a customized recommendation, we can make the transition to S/4HANA Cloud within 6 to 9 months.

Finally, can you cite examples of clients where rapid implementation has occurred?

We started this year with this way of working, using the Digital Discovery Assessment as a start to achieve success. And we have already achieved great results. At White Fields and Yanmar, among others, this has paid off. At White Fields, we accomplish the implementation of S/4HANA Cloud in just three months. Thanks to the turnkey solutions offered by SAP, we can implement the new technology quickly, without bringing work to a halt. Thus, in the first phase of the project, we gained an understanding of the basic processes. What data specifically is needed to make the system work? In a month, this setup was completed and we were able to start training the users. Because some of the data was already available in the development environment, we had the opportunity to really conduct the training “on the job. This ensures that the trained for users is also immediately very recognizable. And we receive immediate feedback on what could practically work better in the new system. As a result, we include not only the organization, but also the employees. They can immediately apply the best practices to their daily work.

Got curious?

Would you like to know more about our approach after reading this blog? Or would you like to do a Digital Discovery Assessment at your organization? Then request our Digital Discovery Assessment or contact Hubert Wezenberg directly. He is happy to talk you through it. You can reach him at hubert.wezenberg@quinso.com.

