In addition to our team-building activities, we also have a quarterly content update session with the entire club: the Qmeeting. The highlights this time?
- Team: with the start of no less than 4 new colleagues, we have passed the magic limit of 50 employees. During this session Bryan Schwillens, Martijn van Limburg, Petra Stouten and Hans Dijkstra introduce themselves to the team and we welcome them to the nicest SAP partner in the Netherlands. We are delighted with this reinforcement of our team.
- Innovation: the Quinso Challenge is underway. In teams we challenge each other to come up with new innovative products and pitch them to each other. We will develop and market the best product. On October 15 is the grand finale, the ideas will be judged by a serious external jury and the winner will be known.
- Collaborations: together with SAP partner HuRis, we welcomed Dille & Kamille as a new customer for SAP Success Factors. Van Halteren Technologies chose SAP S/4HANA Cloud public edition in combination with QMES. Implementation has already started. And third, The Sting extended their SAP Analytics Cloud contract. Our business partner Interdobs B.V. supports them in this. We are proud of the cooperation with these successful companies.
Would you like to introduce yourself to us, do SAP projects at renowned companies in the industry and participate in the development of innovative solutions? We always have room for ambitious consultants.