On Sept. 26, our colleagues Niek Geene and Sander Volkering were proud to participate in the Supply Chain Night at Tilburg University, organized by study association Asset | Strategy & Logistics. They shared their personal and professional growth after their studies and how they found their way to and within Quinso. The evening focused on connecting students with the job market and giving them insight into what to expect after college. We hope we were able to inspire and inform the students with our business case about nexeye and Yanmar Marine International. Thanks to all the students for the engaging discussions and thanks to Tilburg University for making this valuable exchange possible!

How did Sander experience the evening? “It was a fun evening where the students were able to learn about the broad spectrum of opportunities after graduation. In doing so, I thought it was cool to see that we at Quinso could contribute to this because our line of work may not come to students’ minds first. When you think of supply chain, you often think of trucks, production and warehouses. But the software needed to set all this in motion, make it transparent and, of course, execute it as efficiently as possible should not be overlooked. In doing so, it was cool that the importance of a good ERP system came out not only in our story but also in the stories of the other two companies present, MARS and Elizabeth-TweeSteden Hospital.”
Are you just graduated, or about to graduate, and you think: a job in supply chain looks interesting to me too! Then take a look at this vacancy and contact Dirk Arkesteijn.